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For my internship, I got to work with a startup in Copenhagen called nikolova/aarsoe. Coming to Denmark, there is no escaping Danish furniture design. Danish design’s simplicity, functionality, and elegance are genuinely inspiring; therefore, I decided to try my hand at it.   Nikolova/aarsoe have their marble table called the ‘Equilibrium table.’ My brief was to create a wooden extension for this table. Then, however, I thought, what if this extension could become a table of its own?

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This table is a three-piece design with legs and circular and square components. As explained in the diagram above, alternating the position of the pieces, it can attach as an extension and a separate table. In theory, this extension can be attached on both sides of the existing table and again behind that till infinity, giving it its name.

The infinity table, as an extension, allows around eight people to sit together, and as a separate table, it will enable four people to sit together. The aim was to use only wood without any metal nails and connections. For the balance of the design, heavy and dense wood is suggested. Here I have used African wood. The design is in its conceptual stage; however, it has much potential to be a functional table. 

The legs are designed using a similar concept of cutting a semicircle out of a rectangle. Here two semicircles are cut out and can rotate to make balancing legs. The bigger semicircle fits under the existing table to give additional support. 

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